Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is something that can easily be done at home for relatively little money if you have some maple trees on your property and you fall in the right region. The Northern United States and Canada fall into the perfect zone for maple syrup. The main season for maple sugaring is in the spring time when you have nights below freezing and warm sunny days above freezing. This freeze thaw cycle is what causes the sap to push up from the roots to the branches to help in new bud growth. The sap typically runs for 4 to 6 weeks. I am told you can also tap maple trees in the late fall, but I have not personally tried it. One season a year is enough for me due to the time commitment this process takes. The first thing you have to do is prep. Don't wait until the weather is right to figure out your plan for maple sugaring. If you decide to purchase buckets and spiels (like shown above) you will be out of luck if you try and ge...